Abraham Afewerki

November 27, 2012
Abraham Afewerki can be described as being Eritrea's widely recognized musical tour-de-force. In Abraham, one finds, an intelligent lyricist, a passionate singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and a consummate live entertainer rolled into one. Held at high regard by his fellow Eritrean artists his work garners appreciation and admiration from his peers. His musical influence also crosses borders to Eritrea's neighboring countries where his music is reproduced by other musicians singing in a different language other than his native Tigrinya.

Abraham's humble beginning starts in Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, where most of Eritrea's renowned singers hail from. Since age nine Abraham was inseparable with his harmonica. When Abraham was eleven years old he moved to the Sudan and soon after to Italy where he further pursued his dream to be a professional musician. While studying in Rome, Abraham continued to expand his musical skills by working with some internationally known musical celebrities in live performances as well as recordings. Abraham's first CD, Kozli Gaba, (1991), which was produced and distributed by Virgin Records in Europe, was the first Eritrean music by a single artist ever produced by an International recording company and made available to the global audience. Abraham's music, in due course, was covered by a number of International media outlets.

In the following 15 years Abraham was to release two more CDs which further propelled his popularity amongst Eritreans. His songs were popular because his lyrics express strong and poetic images of Eritrea's culture. His love songs are poignantly realistic and romantically poetic. His patriotic songs move even the most docile into fervor. In addition to his distinct voice, his melodies are rich with harmony and leave a long-lasting effect on the listener. His socially conscious words are evocative and their message resonates with his fans and are often described as inspiring. Abraham is also credited with being one of Eritrea's master live entertainers. With his great voice and potent energy the multi-talented artist is a great crowd pleaser.

In his new CD titled Semai (Sky in Tigrinya), Abraham collaborates with some of Eritrea's finest musicians, the result of which is exquisitely made music. Abraham continues to blend his music with jazz, fusion, R&B, and Reggae rhythms at the same time maintaining his music's originality and authenticity.

While still continuing his progress in music, the multi-faceted artist, who now lives in the USA, has managed to obtain a BS degree in MIS graduating with honors. With an established recognition outside Eritrea and Eritreans, Abraham, more than any other Eritrean contemporary performer is better placed to take Eritrean music to a different level. With his next projects Abraham plans to take his music to the global audience.
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