
Short answer: AboutEritrea.com is like a Wikipedia but, only for everything "about Eritrea".

AboutEritea.com is a highly ambitious, information-oriented website with the sole purpose of providing social, geographical, historical, political ... information about the state and the people Eritrea. Everything contained in this website is available free to anyone who is interested in learning, studying, contributing and sharing any information factual events using this website as a reliable tool.

The aim in the future, is partly to make abouteritrea.com aims a centralized reference of historical and contemporary source of information providing relevant and rich contents, time line of Eritrean history, Interactive Map , discussion about the state and issues of Eritrea, as country and people in General.

All articles of this website are provided by members and owners of this website. Anyone is free to join through a simple phase of registration. The purpose being to share as much knowledge with anyone as possible. The only rule is share as many as possible stories based on facts about Eritrea, with respect to accuracy, importance, clarity and without any political and/or social affiliation.