Frequently asked questions

Who can participate in this website?

Anyone can participate in building by providing richer and more diverse contents If you know a historical or present fact relating specifically to Eritrea/Eritreans, if you believe it is worth sharing as a way to teach or expand awareness among other truth seekers, then we would love to have you, and would be even inclined to give you from administrative to unlimited access to our website and/or our social media websites so you feel more than a contributor; an owner of our site.

What kind of contribution are we looking for?

Any type of help is recommended, be it correcting our typos (of which there are many, since this is open to the public) or to sharing it with your friends, or making contribution as small as even commenting on articles, sending us feedback and more importantly editing old / opening new articles, or even point out inaccurate articles, vandalism, .. error check . anything is honestly welcome.

Who can become a member

Any person who has finished registration is automatically made a member, as we are trying to make the site a community-driven project. Which means, we want you to become part of the site, and contribute however and whatever you deem fit. For this to happen, follow the registration guide, after becoming a member, (we will send you email to verify your account) anyone will be able to post any article instantly. However, we strongly recommend participants to have adequate knowledge of the material to be shared beforehand, and to provide reference to these articles based upon hindsight. Please respect what is written here, as the rules will guarantee us, that your contributions will be in respect to the rules as mentioned during your contribution process.

Why is not my article published?

As of 2015, we have made the process by which an article may be publish into 2 types. That means we have added a registration-free, completely anonymous participation, that allows anyone to instantly submit an article without a hustle, may help us gain more contributors, which otherwise could have been discouraged to participate due the semi-exhausting ( not really :] ) task of becoming a members, and authenticating their account, but this also means, we can't simply show anonymous posts since we do not have a way to distinguish which posts are by humans and others are by bots or even worse, if people publish unrelated materials, or simply something undesired, which can not be understood or may be vandalism either with or without intention. So, we will keep all anon contributions for verification until we approve it.
If your contribution did not show up on our site, after 3 days, let us know via our contact form.