Sador Fessehaye

2015-01-24 13:19:11
Sador Fessegaye or known by his career name as Sandman Nugus was an Eritrean / American rapper born January 12, 1986 in Bulgaria, who lived most of his adult and professional life in Los Angeles, US since the age of 7.


Although Sandman Negus was from Eritrea, the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea forced his family to migrate to different countries in Africa.
Sandman's family fled from Eritrea to Sudan during the Eritrean War of Independence and, and after living in Sudan, they moved to Bulgaria to claim asylum in 1986, and at this point Sador Fessehaye (Sandman Negus) was born, however after just one year in Bulgaria the family's asylum request was denied and they were returned to back to Khatroum, Sudan. The family was forced to relocate to Khartoum the capital city of Sudan. Two years later, Sandman's sister Sedor Fessehaye was born. In 1993 after 3 more years in Khartoum, Sandman at the age of just 7 years old, and his parents moved to the United States in hope of a better future for their family.

Life in America began the family settled in Los Angeles, California to begin their new life and Sador was enrolled in his first school, Hillcrest Elementary after a couple of months he went to Hyde Park Elementarty and was chosen to go to a high perfomance school called Lomita Maths/Science Magnet Elementary school where few people were chosen to go there from the hood. It is at this point Sador's interests first began with art and drawing and then transformed Music, he favorite rappers were 2PAC and NAS.

Music and Adult Life

On February 5, 1997 at 11 years old, Sandman’s eldest brother died from cancer and this tragedy took a heavy toll on young Sandman. His brother was always someone he looked up to and admired. From that day on, Sandman began writing and rapping. A piece of Sandman had died and thus Sandman Negus was born. Not only was his brother his inspiration to begin writing, but also an influential and talented rapper. Sandman spent most of his free time tapping into his artistic abilities by making music, sketching, painting, and drawing. Sandman started making a name for himself, in 2005 when he was recruited by Yahoo and Pepsi as a West-coast representative in a segment called mic pass. At the age of 19, after years of living the street life, Sandman was a victim of police corruption and spent months in jail for an alleged robbery for which he was later found of being not guilty .

At this point in his life, Sandman turned to streets, and by the age of 20, he took wrong turns in life and ended up in jail, after his release Sandman was slowly but surely started to change his life around, he began working on his music and his mixtape, "Extraz Vol. 1". On August 2, 2008, due to the ongoing crimes of that time between Blacks and Mexicans, after leaving the studio to take a friend home, Sandman was followed by gang members, they exchanged words with Sador then shot him nine times while he was inside a car, although there were more shots fired onto the car. He was shot in his colon, liver, both lungs, kidneys and even an inch from his heart, shoulders and his neck. He had to undergo eight surgeries and was in a coma for 26 days. Despite all the trauma that Sandman has faced, he still was able to recover from the shooting and use music as his therapy. Two months after the shooting, Sandman finished his mix tape and shot the video for mix-tape single entitled "EXTRAS" ever since then he had been shooting videos, and creating more music. he made a contribution to his native country Eritrea by creating a songs about the history of his country, Sandman also had a worldwide fan base, he had been touring ever since June 2009, he had offers from major labels, and thereafter, started working on his single and collaborating with major artist from across the United States. Sador's main goals were to help his family transform to better conditions of living, and help and empower his country and people.


Sandman's death came as a shock in September 28, 2012 in the alley of the 4300 block of South west of Crenshaw Blvd between Homeland Drive and Vernon Avenue, after being shot by unknown gang members the Los Angeles Police Department were at the scene investigating the killing and till mid-night after the shooting. His last Twitter post was promoting his latest single and video Don’t Blame Me, shot mostly in the Hyde Park neighborhood of South Los Angeles. Sandman was considered by many to have been the most talented Eritrea rapper, and supporter of his people, earning him a title of " The Ambasador ".
sara commented on 2015-01-24 13:19:11
I like this dude
privilege commented on 2015-01-24 13:19:11
I like him too, gone to soon
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